Condimentul minune care trateaza cancerul!

Spice wonder who treat cancer!

Nicknamed the magic spice of India,curcurma part of the ginger family, being recognized for its curative. Turmeric is known as turmeric is native to Southeast Asia. Radacina turmeric to this extraordinar bogata in polifenoli anti-oxidanti, which gives a yellow-orange, Curcumin is one of those polifenoili, it is responsible for much of the health benefits attributed to turmeric. In

Inima poseda o inteligenta proprie

Inima possessive or intelligent proprie

We are always in the middle of life, are always subject to the rate of change all around me alert our. We are facing more and more difficulties and challenges, but also have at hand and solutions as. The tool at hand is the heart of our. But what are the qualities of the heart and its? The heart is the core of the authentic self, center intuitive discernment and clarity. It allows us to connect deeply with your own self and other OAM

Cat de multa fericire iti poate aduce un zambet?

How much happiness you can bring a smile?

Smiling has many benefits : • The simple act of thinking about things that make you smile , like – people in your life who love you , Funny moments, playing with pet owners pet , watching movies comedy – helps you feel better instantly . In addition calms the stress response and release healthy neurochimicale, such as dopamine and natural opioids ( like , endorfinele ) . • Researchers have found that facial movements smiling – indep

“Apa vie” – o apa miraculoasa 100% romaneasca!

“Apa vie” - The APA miraculoasa 100% Romanian!

Called "living water" - water with decreased deuterium COTIN cun is a true natural cure, which today aflla handy. The discovery of this water is due to a group of researchers from the National Institute of Research-Development for Cryogenic Ramnicu Valcea. This miraculous water occurs since 1986. At that time it was producing "heavy water", or water with a high content of deuterium for Heavy Water Plant Halanga-Turnu Severin. C

Melatonina – hormonul tineretii

Melatonin – youth hormone

Melatonin this one produs hormon of Glanda pineala, is involved in the regulation of circadian rhythm . The melatonin may be produced by other tissues, and bone marrow, limfocitele, or various epithelial cells, including the retina and the gastrointestinal tract. The level of melatonin in the blood increases since sunset, levels peak at midnight and decreases gradually in the second half of the night, is inhibited by light. Therefore, Melatonin is the hormone that, s

Puterea uimitoare a unei imbratisari!

Amazing power of hugs!

"They say a warm hug, prolongs your life one day!"- Paolo Coelho How many times have we felt better, after I hugged a loved? Embrace can be considered a universal medicine. It has the ability to heal and relieve suffering. Imbrasitarea reduce blood pressure and prevent panic attacks, and help reduce the stress hormone cortisol. What is the explanation? During embrace it releases oxytocin, or love hormone