Cum sunt păcăliţi oamenii să facă acţiuni care îi aduc, fără sa ştie, în cadrul satanismului

How are fooled people to do actions that bring, without knowing, in Satanism

This is achieved by guiding them to relate exclusively to the ego and not the soul or Self.
Ego is a false center being awarded their actions and has the ability to increase.

About Pleasure and Pain – Kahlil Gibran

uragan1Pleasure defines itself in relation to the pain.
Pleasure is no pain and no pain is pleasure.
Both are specific experiences of living in dualism, The one who does not know, only pairs of opposites.
The real miracle is living in “middle potter's wheel”, “the eye of the hurricane”, and true happiness, which is divine, not related to a pair of opposites, there
is sufficient by itself and does not depend on events in the phenomenal world.

Story of the day . Dear Man…

I know what happened today. Nu are importanţă de unde ştiu. Ştiu pur şi simplu. Unfortunately, tu incă nu ştii că cineva ştie, dar acel cineva vrea caîn curând tu să ştii ca ştie.