Group Meditation


Spiritual group in every morning between 10-10:30- GMTand every night between 22-22:30 am
is performed in unison by all the participants
voluntarily willing to connect to the spiritual effort group

The Heart or Essence Meditationmeditation of revelation of the Supreme Self Atman, Bhairava Mudra or Adi Mudra or The Art of Grace.

For people who don’t have deep knowledge about meditation, can make hesychast meditation that, although Christian has authentic bases and amazing efficiency largely explained by text and yogic methods.

Here you can download Heart Meditation

The advantages of this practice are;

- obtaining a very high efficiency due to engagement in a spiritual unison of a large number persons
(the effect obtained is much greater than the sum of individual effects)

- purification and ascension (elevation)of the spiritual ambiance of our life, our house,our family or the village in which we live and even the country and the planet (depending on number of participants and their spiritual power)

- meditation is performed more easily and deeply in this collective effort because there is a spontaneous mutual support, so we have a chance to accomplish an important progress using this true spiritual trampoline)

- it is a practice that can be done in the middle of life,
even if we have an activity to be performed right at that time
(subject to an activity that does not require the use of special mental focus – ie. while we are at a movie, driving, or walking, etc.).

Effects on human beings:- easily get into the purity and the spirituality of living in the middle of of life;

- easily into always feel “ourselves”;

- fulfilling of pure desires and especially of those heightenedeven without ever asking for it in a precise manner;

- possible difficulties of life with which we have become accustomed to deal sometimes gradually disappear, being, however, replaced by other tests, more elevated and spiritual;

- our inner state and many meaningful coincidences will occur plentiful our lives, will make us feel especially fortunate;

- enhancement of will and intelligence;

- living, almost always, of a invigorating state of tranquility and relaxation , even in the middle of restless activities;

- contribute to the achievement of health and harmony of body;

- practical wisdom, inspiration and inner ability to make good most of the time and uninterested, divine intuition and spiritual inspiration manifested in every area and moment of your life;

- the entire life, both waking state and in all other states will be impregnated with the divine nature of primordial condition or perfect state, we live life intensely, easily centered in the present moment, remarking the miracle within us and others;

- increasing at very intense power of love, feeling an intense affection without object, harmony and success in love;

- others tend to manifest an intense love and easily fall in love with person who successfully practice the Prayer of the Heart;

- the emergence of a exceptional personal charisma that may be an obstacle for those unprepared (appearance may generate en exacerbation of pride and vanity ) or can a benefic tool for those trained;

- good health and physical , physical, mental, and spiritual strength, diminishing and then removing evil influences from our being;

-appearance of paranormal powers (which, even if they are a temptation of falling from the spiritual path, if pride will increase and that will not be a spiritual obstacle , they certify us a part of the success of the practice);

- appearance of a bright- white luminous phenomena ( the so-called Tabors light ) but also other vivid and pure colors;

- ease and efficiency in achieving of any practice, regardless of any authentic spiritual path which they belong;

- soul revival followed in the higher stages by Self revelation or divine spark within us;

- a more profound identification with the spiritual archetype of Jesus Christ;

-godliness of being.

Practical Method

1.We take a posture of meditation, be it even on chair, with the palms facing down on our knees.

2.We make a introspection as good we can, removing our attention from the information that come from the sense organs and the subtle perceptions;
attention should be focused on middle chest area, within the physical body;
we refer to quite concrete existence of Jesus Christ living within us, sensing Him as a personal presence and specific energy, miraculous, located in the Heart subtle space.
(images of Jesus Christ crucified are not as effective);
it it is better to remain as a background attitude throughout practice.

3. We say: “Lord Jesus Christ …”and we breath in during the mental speaking
we deliberately relate more intense to the Space Heart and we can achieve even a more intense reporting at the living presence of Jesus in our heart, we grasp the special quality of air that we breathe, which we associate with the subtle nature of Jesus Christ;

4. We accomplish the full retention of breath (remember we breath air with lungs full), on a natural duration so without forcing.

5l We exhale saying alsomercy on me”.

6. We realize an outpouring of very pure energy, light and very high, which floods our whole being with a special state that corresponding to the presence of Christ energy plan in our being , which accumulates mainly in the Spiritual Heart.

7. Breathing becomes slower and, ultimately, becomes very subtle, almost imperceptible.

We can leave the respiration rithm (when we feel the need), making it faster than prayer and realizing two key stroke without special effort.

Then we discard even longer speaking, only addressing mental speaking of the name of Jesus.

In advanced stages of practice is no longer necessary to say the mental prayer, it willflow in the heartas if it were continue to be spoken on a very subtle level.

We can continue the process during the waking state in everyday life, in all the activities that we do not need a particular concentration or unnecessary maintenance of a mental process to solve a problem.
Certainly it is not necessary to achieve this during activities that require a special attention and are characterized, perhaps, by a certain amount of danger.

Here you can find the complete theoretical initiation of Heart Christian Meditation

You are welcome within this spiritual action.

You are welcome!